With little or no funds though you will be starting small and acting more like an "Agent".
What does this mean? It simply means that you will need to get the word out there that you sell cars. You should get in touch with people willing to sell their cars and then start looking for buyers.
Therefore, whatever little funds you have should be used in Branding yourself and then Marketing the cars.
In branding, I mean getting a complimentary card which you can give to a prospective buyer or seller when you introduce yourself and investing in properly fitted clothing, because you will be addressed by the way you are dressed.
In marketing, I mean posting pictures of the cars online, putting up on your bbm, whatsapp or any chat platform you use, and basically using the various forms of social media available for use.
In acting as an ''Agent'', I mean that you will basically be connecting the buyer to the seller or better still connecting the buyer to the car.
How do you stand to gain from this transaction financially? you may ask.
By simply getting commission on each vehicle sold from the sellers or better still by adding your charge to the selling price fixed by the seller.
With this method, you need to market market market yourself so you get more clients (sellers).
Note that word of mouth and referrals are very important in this kind of business so first impression counts!
As you gain customers and recognition, when you have saved enough to begin to purchase tokunbo cars, you will have the market already available for you.
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